The Higher Faculties of the Mind

I always wondered why my mind would drift and soar through different planes, no construct, but a free flowing and flexible media in my head. There are no permanent shapes and scenes would appear out of the norm just like the movie “Inception”. I visualized everything from my future to my cartoon presence etc. In that state I created everything. I was a director and every scene was mine to mould.

All these seemed like nothing more than a mirage till i heard the word “De Ja vu” and started experiencing it. I would dream it or create a thought about it and  it will appear in reality, then it occurred to me that humans are much more than the 5 senses of touch, smell, hear, sight and taste. We have higher faculties that help us achieve all we possibly can. they are:


perspective is defined by how we see things, its our hindsight on life and what it is all about i.e. our point of view. Our perspective creates our arguments and opinions. it could be as dark as night or brighter than the day


Imagination is the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses. its what we use to create our future. Every thing visible by sight was  first created in the mind. Albert Einstein was quoted saying “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”


Many of us confuse intuition as a “sixth sense”. The truth is that the intuition is a mental factor. We can define intuition as an instant idea or an immediately answer we receive without even thinking about it.


Reason is our logical responses to what we imagine , our ‘thinking’ faculty. How can I bring what has been imagined to life and how can I create value with it? What would work and what wouldn’t? Reason tasks us with gathering the necessary information when making decisions.


your will is your gut feeling to do, to accomplish and to go on regardless of external disturbances.It is the act of strongly desiring something to happen, trying to make something happen by hoping, or describing something you intend to happen in the future.


memory is  the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience. it enables us cherish previous moments and acts as well as prepare us for what is to come. It stores all knowledge gained patiently waiting for you to access it whenever and wherever.

In conclusion, human beings are born with much more than the basic 5 senses and only in the development of these higher faculties do we achieve all our goals and live a fruitful life.

The Entrepreneur In you

Who is an Entrepreneur? I personally feel it’s an individual with quite alot of faith or a mad man/woman in a world filled with “normal people”. Think about it, these people create something out of sheer nothingness. It is quite scary and fascinating , the uncertainty, the risk, the visions, the ability to see an opportunity in the rain and create a shade while basking in the sun.

so the question stands; What differentiates these people from the rest of the word? I stumbled on an article on titled “6 indisputable signs you’re destined to be an Entrepreneur” by Mandy Arthur and it explains the exact qualities that defines and creates the faithful genius in you.

1) you don’t fit in

While not every entrepreneur is an outcast, their tendency to think “outside the box”, which helps them stand out from the crowd,  can also keep them from “fitting in.” In fact, Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon has said, “Entrepreneurs must be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time.”  Instead of running with the crowd, entrepreneurs, who are often born leaders, find themselves leading others in almost any task they undertake. Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey, at times, and can discourage the weak-of-heart, but for those of us determined to realize the potential we’ve glimpsed in our dreams, there’s no greater reward than the fulfilment of that vision.

2)You think risk is fun.

Entrepreneurship is often compared to tight-rope walking, but being an entrepreneur is about a lot more than keeping one’s balance in high-risk situations. In fact, it could be said that, more essential to the spirit of entrepreneurship is the zeal with which one continues after multiple falls (fails). The first step in entrepreneurship (starting your own business) is a monumental risk in itself; the uncertainty alone keeps most from even beginning. But it is only the first step. To be a successful entrepreneur, and really make a life of it, it will be necessary to overcome failure after failure, embracing uncertainty to the point of actually finding joy in situations other’s would find too risky to bear.

3)You’re confident.

In order to break out on your own and tackle the challenges inherent in entrepreneurship, you’re going to need confidence. I’m not talking about overly-cocky underachievers who talk a lot but don’t do much; I’m talking about believing in yourself to the point where any challenge, no matter the size, pales in comparison to the faith you have in your own ability to overcome it. When you believe that you are capable of meeting the challenges keeping you from realizing your dreams, you find a way.

4) You have an unquenchable curiosity.

Entrepreneurs are curious, and they use that trait to generate massive success through innovation. The world has no shortage of problems– something that entrepreneurs see as a huge opportunity. They ask a lot of questions and are constantly hunting down their elusive answers. After all, in order to improve on anything, you have to first ask, “how could this be better?” Adding credit to the old saying: “you will be paid in proportion to the size of the problems you are able to solve”, the greatest entrepreneurs use their endless supply of curiosity to fuel the innovation they employ in solving some of the worlds greatest challenges.

5)You’re tenacious.

Tenacity is one of the traits that distinguishes entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs. To have any success as an entrepreneur, you have to have an unrelenting drive and determination to stick with your goal, even when the going gets tough, as it inevitably will.  Building and running your own business, while an exciting idea, is a long journey and can often become less and less motivating as the small, trivial, tasks cloud the excitement that accompanied your original vision. Great entrepreneurs have the perseverance and willpower to make it through the tough times,  reaping sizable rewards due to their “never-give-up” mentality.

6) You think bigger.

He couldn’t be more right. In fact, numerous entrepreneurs have echoed this sentiment, from Dan Pena to Grant Cardone, though few say it as well as Trump. In order to achieve the massive success that top entrepreneurs have achieved, it is first necessary that you are able to think on a massive scale. For instance, when Naveen Jain, founder of Infospace, Intellius, Inome, and Moon Express, thinks about philanthropy, he doesn’t think about donating a school or building a single development, he thinks about how he can fundamentally improve education, healthcare and access to drinking water for millions of people around the globe. This ability to think big, is directly related to achieving exponentially larger successes.

Decision making

Making a decision is harder than we think and usually its what differentiates the leaders, CEOs, Management staffs from basic personnels and average individuals. You know, sometimes its always easier to allow people make decisions for you. like what profession to pick, who to marry, how to live your life and so on. but when people start deciding how YOUR LIFE should be, you become a redundant individual and your self confidence diminishes. You start living other peoples lives and every morning you wake up feeling weaker and weaker.

But hey, you can turn that around in the blink of an eye. how ? by making a ‘decision’ that your life will be how you want it to be and your reality is based on what you create.

Today, we would look at three steps in improving your decision making about your life and businesses


1) Recognize your strengths

Before taking a dive into what it is you want to be or do, find out what you are really good at, be it speaking, teaching , selling. then begin to learn how to improve these qualities of yours via open source mediums, social media, self help tools etc. Understanding and honing your strengths help you best decide the approach and manner your life should take

2) Acknowledge your weaknesses

Accepting you are weak in certain things and abilities is the first step in overcoming them. Do not wrongly blind yourself into thinking you can do everything and asking for help doesn’t show you are weak but encourages others to aid you. Opinions of trusted friends and mentors might save you tonnes of money and time when making decisions.

3) Listen to you

At the end of day, your gut feeling hardly betrays you and knows what is best for you. Humans have been created with instincts far greater than any other species and this has led us into the present world development and jet age. The most successful men and women, after careful consideration of trusted opinions decide based on what they feel will lead to  the best possible outcome.

Remember your life is yours and you decide how it should be


Auto suggestion and Affirmation


Few people understand this term; auto-suggestion or haven’t come across it at all. But great leaders and successful individuals use this trick often and it pushes them in the right direction. Auto-suggestion is the use of positive words and sentences which, when repeated over and over, change your inner world. Let me put some light into this.. When a sports man e.g a basket-baller is given the chance to take the last shot of the game that might win the title(when the pressure is on) he begins to increase his self belief by repeating “he can do this”!. he chants this several times to himself and immediately his subconscious faculties begin to accept this pool of thought and he releases the right amount of energy to actually hit the spot.


Telling yourself what to do and actually doing it against immeasurable odds. You see the mind is a very powerful tool which is divided into two faculties:

1) Conscious faculty:

enables you to think, anticipate and react to various scenarios. Can differentiate between what is real and what is not (what’s possible and what isn’t).

2) Subconscious faculty:

accepts everything you tell it, everything around your environment and cannot differentiate between what’s real and imaginary (what’s possible and what isn’t).You might probably doubt the latter but ask yourself why do you randomly lip-sync a song after hearing it repeatedly even when you told yourself at first you hated the track….Ahah!

So here’s the trick of affirmation/auto-suggestion, the more you tell yourself you can do something or become someone, your subconscious faculty accepts the idea whether its possible or not and then motivates you into actually doing it, whether it was a sale you thought couldn’t be made or a goal you felt was to far-fetched for your “not so feeble mind” . so keep repeating to yourself that you are the greatest at what you do and eventually you will be .

3S of Success


In this beautiful life filled with alot of uncertainties lay  the 3S of achieving success. but before i go further one must ask him/herself what their definition of success is. tricky? well here’s my definition: I define success as the ever fulfilling presence of body, mind and spirit all in great harmony with the laws of the universe.
My 3 major guideline and steps are based on this definition

1)Self discovery:

the first guideline is discovering your purpose, talent. What comes easily to you that others find difficult

2)Self Evaluation:

how can you convert this skill/talent of yours into great value which in the long run will not only return profit but also create jobs, wealth and opportunities in your environment

3) Self Confidence:

final stage is developing the resolve to act on your previous assessment of your capabilities. Believing in yourself is as important as the air you breath and this will push you in becoming the real you.